The other day I was in a big store looking quickly for the things I needed and was starting to head for the checkout when I saw a long line forming in the main aisle nearest me. As I moved toward the start of the line to see, I asked myself, “What’s going on?” What do you know?! There were 2 employees that had just pulled out a pallet from the back and were starting to open 2 large boxes of bleach disinfectant wipes that would never see their place on the shelves. They began to give one and one only to each customer in the line. As if by inertia, I moved quickly to get in the line before I reacted thinking, I haven’t had any of those until now and really don’t even want them, so I moved aside. But as I stood there a few minutes, I observed how people coming into the store and toward me, as soon as they saw the line, most of them sped to get in it. Now, let me tell you, the line was long and you sure could not see what they were doing or giving. But, it’s like the people knew the drill. They’re giving something, it’s limited, I want/need it, so follow the line. Wow, that had me thinking… would that have happened 6 months ago?
People often pride themselves in not following the crowd and being their own person, but my question today is, how true is that?
People often pride themselves in not following the crowd and being their own person, but my question today is, how true is that? How much of what we think and do is really a result of the influences that come at us all day every day through social media, web surfing, news, entertainment, and the people that surround us? And how many times do we “get in lines” without really even realizing it?
The times we live in have been characterized by “me”- what I think (and I know I am right), what I want, and what makes me happy (or at least I think it will make me happy). The tendency I see is listening just long enough to get my opinion or solution in, which in reality, may be hearing but not listening (or would it be listening but not hearing? You get my point, right?). How did we get here? Since when does the world owe me? Since when am I more important than my neighbor, whether my next door neighbor, my classmate, the governor or a suffering child? Since when is the world supposed to rotate around me and cater to my desires?
God did not create us to be one in a long line of Oompa Loompas, following suit and going through the chocolate factory of life according to the whims of social influencers and higher-ups in politics and society. But neither did he create us to be a Charlie, believing we are entitled and others should submit to our plan and desires.
God did not create us to be one in a long line of Oompa Loompas,
Romans 12 is one of my favorite passages of scripture, as it speaks clearly to the practical application of what it means to be a follower of Christ and representative of his will wherever we are and in whatever we do. And the first 2 verses pretty much sum up it all up. I have chosen the Young’s Literal Translation.
I call upon you, therefore, brethren, through the compassions of God, to present your bodies a sacrifice — living, sanctified, acceptable to God — your intelligent service; and be not conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, for your proving what [is] the will of God — the good, and acceptable, and perfect.
The essence of verse 1 is, I am not first, God is, so I need to recognize him and gladly surrender my whole life and being to him- LIVING for him, knowing I am SANCTIFIED -set apart unto him, and always pursuing that which is ACCEPTABLE (pleasing) to him. And verse 2 continues inasmuch as I truly surrender to God… I won’t imitate or be taken in by what everyone is doing or saying, but will be transformed from the inside out by a total makeover of how I think, so I can then discern and act on God’s will. God’s will is never evil but GOOD- but not just anyone’s definition of good, but the good that is ACCEPTABLE (pleasing) to God- his word outlines that. And his will is PERFECT- the right thing, in the right way, at the right time, with the right helps. (If any one of these factors is not ready, go to God!)
So, how about a bit of personal examination, or better yet, do as David and go to God each night as you lay yourself down saying, Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting. (Ps. 139:23-24)
Do as David and go to God each night as you lay yourself down saying, Search me, O God
See upcoming series on Renewing your mind.
No lines at the pearly gates!