De mi casa a la tuya
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Life (La Vida)
Where’s the beef?
Knowing God’s will
Be true to yourself
No Fear
¿Estás invitando al ladrón sin querer?
Cuando la ansiedad te ahoga
Cuando te inunde el dolor
Where is your train of thought taking you?
¿En Qué Estabas Pensando?
A Penny for your Thoughts
Are you worrying?
Be Still my Soul
Un Asunto de Vida o Muerte
Aprendiendo a Esperar
Hablar la Verdad en Amor
Te Haré Entender
Family (La Familia)
Mothering well: It’s not about me
Perlas de Sabiduría para Mamás- de mujeres como tú (Pte.1)
Perlas de Sabiduría para Mamás- de mujeres como tú (2a. pte)
Perlas de Sabiduría para Mamás- de mujeres como tú (3a. pte)
¿Qué Dios le presentas a tu hijo?
¿Listo para entrar a clases?
Who are you?
Blindsided by Blindspots
Haz lo que digo, no lo que hago
Home (El Hogar)
No me alcanza el tiempo
Dios bendice al hogar donde se le honra
Devotional (Eng/Sp)
Day 30: Overcome evil with good
Day 29: Let go and let God
Day 28: Are you a reactor or responder?
Day 27: Let’s make some music!
Day 26: Rejoice with those who rejoice
Day 25: Bless and do not curse!
Day 24: My house is your house
Day 23: God WILL see you though
Day 22: Has your get up and go done got up and went?
Day 21: Can you sing, We are family?
Day 20: True love
Day 19: What makes you tick?
Day 18: I need you and you need me
Day 17: Don’t be high and mighty
Day 16: Become a master swordsman
Day 15: Put on your helmet
Day 14: You decide: Choose life!
Day 13: Do you have high places in your heart?
Day 12: Don’t push my buttons!
Day 11: Stop it in its tracks
Day 10: Do you hear voices?
Day 9: Wake up, sleepyhead!
Day 8: Take up the shield of faith
Day 7: Are you a sitting duck?
Day 6: Time to gird up your mind
Day 5: What’s on your mind?
Day 4: Caterpillar or butterfly?
Day 3: Extreme makeover
Day 2- Are you being conformed or transformed
Day 1: Transformed by renewing your mind
About me
Contact me!
el escudo de la fe
Martha Pereda
October 15, 2021
October 15, 2021
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