There is so much going on in the world today that seriously concerns me. Of course, there are the out of control protests where innocent people have paid dearly with losses they never should have. Political agendas are rampant and it seems the media reports things however they see fit. Even social media is now censoring videos and comments- not on a moral basis, but on whether it aligns with their position. I mean, when I cannot post a video that simply shows the wonder of the development of a baby in his mother’s womb, because it has “inappropriate content” but a video of an explicit sex scene shows up on my phone and I ask for it to be blocked and they tell me it checks out fine… something has definitely gone wrong.

The pandemic measures, while claiming to make things better by saving lives, have affected economies, stirred up ill feelings in those that don’t agree on face masks and such, distanced families, isolated people, and subjected many to increased loneliness and futility. Where before we went out to breathe fresh air, now I struggle to breathe behind the mask. I often turn to smile at someone, just to remember they can’t see my smile. Even friends that tend to be loners are feeling the lack of interaction and facial expressions to light up the day. We were not created to live alone but in relationship with God and others.
Although these and many other things concern me, I refuse to worry about them. Does that sound like a contradiction? Well, in reality it isn’t. But I think today more than ever, we need to know the difference between concern and worry and the roots of each one.
Are you under financial stress because of the lockdown and worry about the future? Have you believed that if you love your child, then you should worry about him? Or you think that worry over a loved one’s safety is justified and even proof of your love for that person? Many moms think it is practically their duty to worry about their children. But is it?

Concern is the proper mindset for caring about important issues, decisions, events or conditions. When an issue gets a persons attention as a potential danger or problem, they focus on taking the necessary action to prevent or resolve it. Worry on the other hand is thinking, thinking, and thinking again about the issue with all the possible what ifs and negative outcomes. Concern is more fact based and focused on problem solving. While worry is fear based, anticipating and suffering time and time again the worst scenarios that usually never materialize.
Here are a few examples. When the lockdown began, concerned citizens went to buy their normal two weeks of toilet paper, but many didn’t find much or any because those worried by heresay that it would run out, hoarded buying large quantities- then it did run out. A concerned mom looks at the clock and thinks her son is half hour late, he must have gotten held up at work or in traffic. A worried mom may already be thinking he’s had an accident. A concerned mom sees her daughter with the wrong crowd and talks to her and does what’s necessary to protect her, while a worried mom may rant and rave and not sleep at night, sure she is going to end up on drugs. When your son enlists and goes to basic training, as a concerned mom you send him as well prepared as possible and trust he will come through fine, while the worried mom thinks all day about him getting Covid, how he gets yelled at, not having food he likes, and all the ways he can get hurt.
Jesus said, “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6:25-26 NKJV)
Worry is really the result of addressing concern in our own strength, separated from the grace, power, love and wisdom of God, and it causes anxiety.
Once you have put your trust in God, and he has become your heavenly Father, there is no longer a thing in the world that should worry you. He knows you, loves you, promises to never leave you, has made every provision for you, and will work all things together for good in your life. Worrying won’t change a single thing, except stealing your peace and enjoyment today, and maybe even your health. So, rest in him.
How can we keep concern from turning into worry? First, put your trust in God, giving him your whole life and every expectation. Read his plan for you and his many promises in the Bible. And pray, pray, and pray again. Every time you have a concern that begins to make circles in your head, pray and give it to God. If your child has not returned home at the expected time and you are concerned. Pray. Maybe you are concerned that your job may be in jeopardy. Pray. God will provide. Prayer brings peace in knowing that God has everything under control. Regardless of the outcome, He has it covered.
Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God.And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours]. (Philippians 4:6-7 AMP)